Mark A. Black

Mark has served and retired with 20 years as a Law Enforcement Officer in Southern California.  He was an Arrest/Control Instructor, alternate on the SWAT team, Lead Investigator and Reconstructionist for major traffic collisions, and a member of the Chief’s Employee Forum.  He was in charge of numerous DUI checkpoints and task forces and testified on several occasions as a DUI/Drug expert in court.  Some of his awards include M.A.D.D. awards for DUI arrests, Red Cross Hero of the Year, Medal of Valor recipient from his police department, Sons of the American Legion, California State Fire Fighters Association, and American Legion. 

Mark Black has provided High Threat Protection assistance to the Secret Service with President George W. Bush, and State Officials in the State of California.  He currently provides executive protection to CEO’s, professional business people, celebrities, and high value assets.  He is currently co-owner of a security business in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  His company is F.E.M.A. certified and provided security for hurricane relief in Florida. 

Mark’s certifications include, Arrest/Control Ground Fighting Instructor, First Aid and CPR, Retired LEOSA CCW, NRA Pistol and Rifle Instructor, Defensive Driving Tactics, Sure Fire Building Searches, Tactics/Covert and Crisis Entry, Tactical Communications, Search Warrants for Investigators, Interview and Interrogation.  Mark has completed over 100 college credits towards his BA in Police Science.